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    Tec Mac S.r.l.

    Via Mattei 32


    +39 0321 864589

    Tec Mac has developed a really new and innovative technology for the production of spring mattresses. Protected by two international patents, the new process allows to realize a mattress with a really differentiated structure, using any kind of spring: the spring-box, the pocket springs and even the free coils. The innovation consists in binding the springs' heads with high performances polyurethane foam so to make them solid (un unicum). This allows to eliminate the felt, rigid and inextensible, preventing the springs from moving independently when supporting a load. By this way, only the springs placed under the load are compressed and not all the others around: for this reason, the mattresses produced with our technology actually follow the body shape, assuring a right and balanced support to the spine and a correct and uniform support to the whole body. Moreover, thanks to this innovative system, the production costs are reduced, both direct and indirect, the process flexibility is increased and above all a unique and exclusive product, with superior quality, is offered on the market. The mattresses have also very good resistance characteristics, having brilliantly passed the most severe American tests of durability (more than 150.000 cycles with the Roller Test and Cornell Test) and the English ones of inflammability (Crib5). Tec Mac places at customers' disposal his technical staff to study and develop special units.

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